{center rationals | [[rationals2]] | [[fractions]] | [[fractions2]] | [[habiter]]} ;;_img _h1 rationals _p A rational number is a couple of integers, numerator and denominator, {b n/d}. When {b n} and {b d} have a common divisor, they are reduced to the simplest form, for instance {b 2/3} remains {b 2/3} but {code 3/6} becomes {b 1/2}. When the denominator is {b 1}, the rational number is displayed as a simple integer, for instance {b 6/3} is b as {b 2}. When the product {b n*d} is negative it is displayed as {b -abs(n)/abs(n)} _h2 1) algebra _p This is some algebra on rationals: {pre n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1*d2 + n2*d1)/(d1*d2) n1/d1 - n2/d2 = (n1*d2 - n2*d1)/(d1*d2) n1/d1 * n2/d2 = (n1*n2)/(d1*d2) n1/d1 / n2/d2 = (n1*d2)/(d1*n2) n1/d1 = n2/d2 is true if n1*d2 = n2*d1 else false } _h2 2) main operators _p We build the first operators using the 3 primitives {b cons, car, cdr}. {pre '{def {def Q.pgcd // faster if defined as a primitive {lambda {:a :b} {if {= :b 0} then :a else {Q.pgcd :b {% :a :b}}}}} {lambda {:n :d} {{lambda {:n :d :g} {cons {/ :n :g} {/ :d :g}}} :n :d {Q.pgcd :n :d}}}} -> {def {def Q.pgcd {lambda {:a :b} {if {= :b 0} then :a else {Q.pgcd :b {% :a :b}}}}} {lambda {:n :d} {{lambda {:n :d :g} {cons {/ :n :g} {/ :d :g}}} :n :d {Q.pgcd :n :d}}}} '{def Q.disp {lambda {:r} {if {< {* {car :r} {cdr :r}} 0} then - else}{if {= {abs {cdr :r}} 1} then {abs {car :r}} else {abs {car :r}}/{abs {cdr :r}}}}} -> {def Q.disp {lambda {:r} {if {< {* {car :r} {cdr :r}} 0} then - else}{if {= {abs {cdr :r}} 1} then {abs {car :r}} else {abs {car :r}}/{abs {cdr :r}}}}} '{def Q.n {lambda {:r} {car :r}}} -> {def Q.n {lambda {:r} {car :r}}} '{def Q.d {lambda {:r} {cdr :r}}} -> {def Q.d {lambda {:r} {cdr :r}}} '{def Q.2real {lambda {:r} {/ {car :r} {car :d}}}} -> {def Q.2real {lambda {:r} {/ {car :r} {cdr :r}}}} '{def Q.= {lambda {:r1 :r2} {= {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}}}} -> {def Q.= {lambda {:r1 :r2} {= {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}}}} '{def Q.+ {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {+ {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} -> {def Q.+ {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {+ {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} '{def Q.- {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {- {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} -> {def Q.- {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {- {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {car :r2} {cdr :r1}}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} '{def Q.* {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {* {car :r1} {car :r2}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} -> {def Q.* {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {* {car :r1} {car :r2}} {* {cdr :r1} {cdr :r2}}}}} '{def Q./ {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {cdr :r1} {car :r2}}}}} -> {def Q./ {lambda {:r1 :r2} { {* {car :r1} {cdr :r2}} {* {cdr :r1} {car :r2}}}}} } _h2 3) testing {pre '{Q.disp { 3 4}} -> {Q.disp { 3 4}} '{Q.disp { 6 3}} -> {Q.disp { 6 3}} '{Q.disp { 6 -3}} -> {Q.disp { 6 -3}} '{Q.disp { 3 2}} -> {Q.disp { 3 2}} '{Q.disp { 3 -2}} -> {Q.disp { 3 -2}} '{Q.disp { -3 2}} -> {Q.disp { -3 2}} '{Q.disp { -3 -2}} -> {Q.disp { -3 -2}} '{Q.2real { 3 2}} -> {Q.2real { 3 2}} '{Q.2real { 4 2}} -> {Q.2real { 4 2}} '{Q.2real { 1 0}} -> {Q.2real { 1 0}} '{Q.= { 3 1} { 6 2}} -> {Q.= { 3 1} { 6 2}} '{Q.= { 3 2} { 6 2}} -> {Q.= { 3 2} { 6 2}} '{Q.disp {Q.+ { 3 4} { 6 3}}} -> {Q.disp {Q.+ { 3 4} { 6 3}}} '{Q.disp {Q.- { 3 4} { 6 3}}} -> {Q.disp {Q.- { 3 4} { 6 3}}} '{Q.disp {Q.* { 3 4} { 6 3}}} -> {Q.disp {Q.* { 3 4} { 6 3}}} '{Q.disp {Q./ { 3 4} { 6 3}}} -> {Q.disp {Q./ { 3 4} { 6 3}}} } _h2 4) application to continued [[fractions]] _img _h3 definition {pre F = [a{sub 0};a{sub 1},a{sub 2},...,a{sub n}] = a{sub 0} + 1 {{bt}a{sub 1} + 1} {{bt}a{sub 2} + 1} {{bt} ... 1} {{bt}a{sub n}} } _h3 computing the convergents _p Given {b [a{sub 0};a{sub 1},a{sub 2},...,a{sub n}]} we compute the rational value and its real equivalent. {pre '{def convergent {def convergent.rec {lambda {:a :i :r} {if {= :i 0} then {Q.+ { {A.get 0 :a} 1} :r} // a[0]+rm else {convergent.rec :a {- :i 1} {Q./ { 1 1} // 1/ {Q.+ { {A.get :i :a} 1} :r}}}}}} // a[i]+r {lambda {:s} {let { {:c {convergent.rec { :s} // a <- s {- {S.length :s} 1} // i = n-1 { 1 1}}} // r = 1 } :c = {/ {car :c} {cdr :c}}}}} // -> c & n/d -> {def convergent {def convergent.rec {lambda {:a :i :r} {if {= :i 0} then {Q.+ { {A.get 0 :a} 1} :r} else {convergent.rec :a {- :i 1} {Q./ { 1 1} {Q.+ { {A.get :i :a} 1} :r}}}}}} {lambda {:s} {let { {:c {convergent.rec { :s} {- {S.length :s} 1} { 1 1}}} } :c = {/ {car :c} {cdr :c}}}}} } _h2 computing φ, √2, e, π {pre '{convergent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1} -> {convergent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1} {/ {+ 1 {sqrt 5}} 2} = φ '{convergent 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2} -> {convergent 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2} {sqrt 2} = √2 '{convergent 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 8 1 1 10 1 1 12 1 1 14 1} -> {convergent 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 8 1 1 10 1 1 12 1 1 14 1} {E} = e '{convergent 3 7 15 1 292 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 14 2 1} -> {convergent 3 7 15 1 292 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 14 2 1} {PI} = π } _p Note the decrasing number of terms from {b φ} to {b π} to reach the digits given by javascript, the convergence of {b 1}s in {b φ} is slow and the presence of big terms in {b π} makes it quicker. Note also that the sequence of terms in π does not show any obvious pattern. _p {i alain marty | 2022/04/17} _h2 references _ul [[SICP|]] _ul [[|]] {{hide} {def bt span {@ style="border-top:1px solid;"}} }
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