_h1 viewing trees {sup ( with Kate Rose Morley )} _p Using lambdatalk we rewrite a code created by [[Kate Rose Morley|]], found in [[HN|]]. _p We get {{tree} {li {details open {summary Giant planets} {ul {li {details close {summary Gas giants} {ul {li Jupiter} {li Saturn} }}} {li {details close {summary Ice giants} {ul {li Uranus} {li Neptune} }}} {li {details open {summary foo bar baz} {ul {li one two} {li three four} {li five six} }}} }}} } _p writing {pre '{{tree} {li {details open {summary Giant planets} {ul {li {details close {summary Gas giants} {ul {li Jupiter} {li Saturn} }}} {li {details close {summary Ice giants} {ul {li Uranus} {li Neptune} }}} {li {details open {summary foo bar baz} {ul {li one two} {li three four} {li five six} }}} }}} } } _p This code uses three lambdatalk functions {pre '{def tree ul {@ class="tree"}} -> {def tree ul {@ class="tree"}} '{def summary {lambda {:s} < summary>:s< /summary>}} // spaces after "<" for display only -> {def summary {lambda {:s}
}} '{def details {lambda {:flag :s} {if {W.equal? :flag open} then < details open> :s < /details> else < details> :s < /details>}}} -> {def details {lambda {:flag :s} {if {W.equal? :flag open} then
}}} } _p and these (very smart) CSS rules {pre °° .tree{ --spacing : 1.5rem; --radius : 10px; } .tree li{ display : block; position : relative; padding-left : calc(2 * var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 2px); } .tree ul{ margin-left : calc(var(--radius) - var(--spacing)); padding-left : 0; } .tree ul li{ border-left : 2px solid #ddd; } .tree ul li:last-child{ border-color : transparent; } .tree ul li::before{ content : ''; display : block; position : absolute; top : calc(var(--spacing) / -2); left : -2px; width : calc(var(--spacing) + 2px); height : calc(var(--spacing) + 1px); border : solid #ddd; border-width : 0 0 2px 2px; } .tree summary{ display : block; cursor : pointer; } .tree summary::marker, .tree summary::-webkit-details-marker{ display : none; } .tree summary:focus{ outline : none; } .tree summary:focus-visible{ outline : 1px dotted #000; } .tree li::after, .tree summary::before{ content : ''; display : block; position : absolute; top : calc(var(--spacing) / 2 - var(--radius)); left : calc(var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 1px); width : calc(2 * var(--radius)); height : calc(2 * var(--radius)); border-radius : 50%; background : #ddd; } .tree summary::before{ content : '+'; z-index : 1; background : #696; color : #fff; line-height : calc(2 * var(--radius) - 2px); text-align : center; } .tree details[open] > summary::before{ content : '−'; } °°} _p See also [[|]]. {style .tree{ --spacing : 1.5rem; --radius : 10px; } .tree li{ display : block; position : relative; padding-left : calc(2 * var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 2px); } .tree ul{ margin-left : calc(var(--radius) - var(--spacing)); padding-left : 0; } .tree ul li{ border-left : 2px solid #ddd; } .tree ul li:last-child{ border-color : transparent; } .tree ul li::before{ content : ''; display : block; position : absolute; top : calc(var(--spacing) / -2); left : -2px; width : calc(var(--spacing) + 2px); height : calc(var(--spacing) + 1px); border : solid #ddd; border-width : 0 0 2px 2px; } .tree summary{ display : block; cursor : pointer; } .tree summary::marker, .tree summary::-webkit-details-marker{ display : none; } .tree summary:focus{ outline : none; } .tree summary:focus-visible{ outline : 1px dotted #000; } .tree li::after, .tree summary::before{ content : ''; display : block; position : absolute; top : calc(var(--spacing) / 2 - var(--radius)); left : calc(var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 1px); width : calc(2 * var(--radius)); height : calc(2 * var(--radius)); border-radius : 50%; background : #ddd; } .tree summary::before{ content : '+'; z-index : 1; background : #696; color : #fff; line-height : calc(2 * var(--radius) - 2px); text-align : center; } .tree details[open] > summary::before{ content : '−'; } } {style body, .page_menu { background:#eee; } pre { box-shadow:0 0 8px #000; padding:10px; } }
lambdaway v.20211111